3 Steps to Avoid Unreturned Laptops

3 Steps to Avoid Unreturned Laptops

Are you letting your laptops walk out the door? Boost the number unreturned laptops coming home with effective strategies for remote device retrieval:

1.   Take inventory
Inventory your office laptops utilizing a mobile device management software such as Google Workspace’s Basic G Suite MDM, SOTI's MobiControl or ManageEngine’s Mobile Device Manager Plus.

2.   Have policies and procedures
Create clear laptop allocation and retrieval policies and procedures so everyone in your organization is on the same page.

3.   Effectively communicate procedures
Communicate the policies to employees during onboarding orientation and the offboarding interviews.

Bonus: Reuse returned laptops
If resources permit, reset and reuse your returned laptops with incoming employees. Reduce spend and increase revenue.

Adopting these measures can help ensure efficient laptop retrieval,
saving costs on new purchases. If not, just hire us!

How well-defined is your process? Share your insights!
#remotework #hybridwork #IT #futureofwork #laptopretrieval #laptopreturns #peopleops

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